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Sandbox Air

Sandbox Air was set up in 2021 to train and employ the deaf as air-conditioner technicians. Sandbox Air partnered with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security to recruit and train deaf students on basic air-con cleaning skills and further on-the-job training is provided after employment. Sandbox Air provides air-con cleaning service to a wide range of customers including schools, offices, hotels and hostels, condominiums, serviced apartments etc.

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To create sustainable employment for PwDs

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value


The deaf

    Mostly deaf students studying in special high schools or in vocational institutions, without working experience. Some have already graduated but had difficulties in finding jobs.

Receive training as air-con technician

Acquisition of air-con cleaning skills


Receive training as air-con technician

Increase in job readiness and have increased opportunities in securing employment


Acquisition of air-con cleaning skills

Employed as air-con technician

Secure full-time / part-time employment (depending on individual conditions)


Employed as air-con technician

Attain self reliance with stable income

Monthly salary of employee (deaf)

  • To create sustainable employment for PwDs

Secure full-time / part-time employment (depending on individual conditions)

Have potential to develop oneself as professional air-con technician and supervisor and earn higher income in the long run


  • To create sustainable employment for PwDs

Secure full-time / part-time employment (depending on individual conditions)


B2B customers (business operators, government agents)


Receive air-con cleaning and repair service from Sandbox Air technician team

Increase in awareness on how organizations can help support PwD employment through using services provided by PwDs


Receive air-con cleaning and repair service from Sandbox Air technician team

Committed as long term customer of Sandbox Air


  • To create sustainable employment for PwDs

Increase in awareness on how organizations can help support PwD employment through using services provided by PwDs

Open up employment opportunities to PwDs


  • To create sustainable employment for PwDs

Increase in awareness on how organizations can help support PwD employment through using services provided by PwDs